I never was big on routines. I always felt like the same thing day in and day out was boring. I was like shake it up do something different.

Turns out, though, that having routines actually brings me joy!

Having a morning routine, specifically, has been a huge mindset and day changer for me. My entire day just goes right, even when things go wrong, whenever I fully complete my morning routine.

Now listen, it doesn't happen every single day. I would like it to but that's just not reality. But just like self-care, I'm very intentional about doing everything I can to make sure I can get my morning routine on.

My morning routine starts after I drop both boys off for school. In the summer time I'll have to tweak this, but I'll deal with that when the time comes. Once they are dropped off my day goes like this...

✨  Drink warm water with Lemon EO
✨  Workout
✨  Stretch - breathing & meditating included 
✨  Drink more water with AminoWise
✨  Wash my face

Those simple 5 things put me in a mindset of Today will be a good day.

The joy that my body feels and radiates is life. I feel it all day long and even when I wake up the next morning. I just feel happy.

Routines may not still be 100% for me, but this one is. It's focusing on my overall health and wellness. I'm getting in detoxing first thing with my warm water and Lemon EO. I'm covering physical and mental health getting in my daily workout, it's a great stress reliever. The stretching, breathing and meditation is another physical and mental health support. I bring my self to my center and focus on my day and what I'd like to accomplish. Drinking AminoWise helps my body to recover and provides amazing antioxidant love and lastly washing that face is key cause y'all know I've been working hard to get my endocrine system back in shape so I have zero time for pimples to be popping up from sweat and all that hanging out for too long.

If you'd like to get Lemon EO or AminoWise, let me know - I got you!

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