Lose an Hour, not Sleep

Lose an Hour, not Sleep
I love the Signs of Spring. They always remind me that change is necessary and allows for new things to beginning. What I don't love, daylight savings!

When we 'gain' that hour in Winter it feels great. I 100% love the idea of gaining an extra hour but I don't like losing that hour once Spring comes. More than that, I really dislike the disruption to my sleep schedule. I've learned, very painfully, that playing with your sleep can have major consequences. It literally affects everything; Mentally, Physically, & even emotionally. The longer you go without adequate sleep you can face things like depression. Our body needs good sleep.

This Sunday, 12th of March, if you're in a location that observes daylight savings, the clocks go forward. I use to really get into a state about it because I knew my schedule would be altered and getting back on track would take at least a week. I dreaded it. The last year, I've found a way to prepare myself before the time change and support me during the time transition. It has been so helpful. Get ready to save, screenshot and save so you have these tips for the next time change.

The week of the time change
  • Consider moving your bedtime back by 15-30 minutes a day for the few days prior (especially for your children if you feel that the change will strongly affect their routines).
  • Add 5 drops Lavender or Peace & Calming to a large handful of epsom salts for a calming bath. 
  • Rub the feet of little ones with Lavender or SleepyIze essential oil and coconut oil or V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to help them wind down.
  • Roll Tranquil or Rutavala on the bottom of your feet. For even more support, use the CBD Calm Roller.
  • Fill diffusers with sleepy blends (listed in the night of)
  • Make sure to keep up with your daily health routines like taking supplements, self-care techniques and using oils consistently.
The night before the time change
  • Follow the same bedtime routine outlined above. All these little steps add up to lots of great support
  • Support healthy sleep with a KidScents Unwind packet for the little ones and an ImmuPro or Sleep Essence tablet for the adults.
  • Fill your diffuser with one of these calming blends:
    • Peace & Calming + Lavender 
    • Lavender, Cedarwood + Northern Lights Black Spruce
    • Dream Catcher + Tangerine
    • Patchouli, Tangerine, Lavender + Frankincense
    • Vetiver, Cedarwood, Lavender + Tangerine
    • KidPower + Lavender
The morning of the time change (and for the rest of the week)
  • Roll EndoFlex over your thyroid (front of the throat) and over your adrenals (lower back) to support healthy hormone levels that can get a little off during times of stress.
  • Make sure to get in Vitamin B. I love YL's Super B. Two tablets with breakfast for natural energy.
  • NingXia Red. Give your morning (afternoon or anytime) a pick me up with 2-4 ounces of NingXia Red. If you're feeling jazzy mix up a fun mocktail (be sure to make one for the kids, my boys steal mine)
    • 2-4 oz NingXia Red
    • 1 can sparkling water or 1 can NingXia Zyng
    • Healthy splash organic kombucha
    • 1 tsp Golden Turmeric powder
    • 1 packet NingXia Nitro
    • Lots of crushed ice
  • Apply Peppermint to the back of the neck and on the temples (make sure to avoid the eyes) to help focus and sharpen the mind. If you need some support focusing, KidScent GeneYus is a great option too.
  • Grab a NingXia Nitro packet for mental clarity
  • Fire up your diffuser with some energizing & uplifting blends:
    • Peppermint, Raven/RC + Lemon
    • Rosemary, Grapefruit, Bergamot + Lime
    • PanAway, Spearmint + Lemon
    • Joy + Peppermint
    • Rosemary, Peppermint + Lemon
    • Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot
    • Eucalyptus Radiata, Lemon, + Rosemary
The night of the time change
  • Follow the same healthy sleep routines outlined above. ImmuPro is a great choice, especially if you're feeling extra tired and run down.

The last thing I want you to do is remember to give yourself (and your loved ones) grace when time goes forward and the next few days after as you adjust to the shift in your schedules. This can be a hard time for everyone, especially when those moods and hormones get all mixed up. Take some deep breathes and remember you have the tools to support you and your families wellness during this transition.

If you aren't already a part of my oil fam, EssentOily Family, create your free account here and then you can add any of the above mentioned products to support & elevate you and your families wellness as you enjoy this incoming season.

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Don't Let the Winter Blues Ruin the Season for You

Don't Let the Winter Blues Ruin the Season for You
Do you remember the first time you heard or learned about Seasonal Affective Disorder?

I learned about SAD when I went through it. I'd heard of the winter blues but I thought it was just something people said because of the snow and darker days. To be honest I love both of those things, well only during the holidays and then the sun can come back once they're over lol. But seriously, I had no clue that it was a real thing or how much of an affect the weather changing could have on your mental and emotional health. That was until my first year in Germany, back in 2016.

If you've ever been to Germany then you know it gets a different kind of dark there. Mix that with the cold, I was just not prepared. That first year it was just me not wanting to leave the couch or bed, I could've taken a nap at anytime. My entire being just felt run down. I couldn't figure it out. I thought it was just because of the recent move. So I just let it run its course. Winter 2017 came around and it was like a freight train. I wasn't myself, it was horrendous. The things that use to make me happy were problems, it was just awful.

I happened to be doing some research for a challenge in my oil community and I ran across a page talking about SAD. All of the symptoms that were mentioned was everything I was feeling. So I did more research and more research until I was convinced and then made an appointment. I was given some great info and advice but I wanted to make sure that I honored a natural way without disrupting my body more than it already was. Thankfully I was able to find tools that helped me dang near instantly. 

The first day of winter is on the 21st and while it can mean a beautiful back drop for your selfies or family outings it can also mean a shift in internal balance and having the right tools, for you, can be a life saver and mean the difference between being able to enjoy the winter season or living in misery. 

Yes, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)  is a form of depression that is triggered by the changes in sunlight or daylight and the weather. Some of the symptoms of SAD can be things like; a decrease in energy and increase in moodiness. There are lots of resources out there to help you find the right tools so you can manage anything the winter blues brings your way. I want to share with you the tools that helped me.

Remember that we are all different, so use what works or sounds good to you and leave what doesn't. Be sure to check in with your health care provider, as well.

❄️ Get in sunlight whenever it's available or grab a Happy Light if you're some where the sun just refuses
to cooperate. Light therapy is a great way to trick your brain into releasing those amazing mood-boosting chemicals that can help so much with the lows that comes with SAD.

❄️ Up your vitamin D with supplements. To all my military friends, I know that the clinic (at some locations) will give them to you so make a stop there if it's more convenient for you. My go-to's for added vitamin D are OmegaGize and Super D. OmegaGize is like a super fish oil supplement. It has the power of omega-3 fatty acids and CoQ10. But what I got it for was the D3. All of these together are great supports of your brain and so much more. It was like night and day when I started using this. Eventually YL came out with Super D, which contains 250% of your vitamin d. This is a great supplement to support mood and hormone regulation, along with so much more, exactly what I was looking for.

❄️ Don't oversleep. For me this was so hard to not do. When you're feeling low all you want to do is sleep, but the more you just sleep you keep your body in the lower state -- you keep your serotonin levels low. 

❄️ Schedule in fun things. I made sure to have fun activities lined up with the fam, even just a board game
at home was so helpful. I found that when I still did the things that made me happy when the sun was out during the colder months it boosted my mood. It was like carrying the longer days with. It also helped with not completely going into hibernation. When I would isolate myself it only made it worse. Getting out was big for me.

❄️ Eat as healthy as you can. This is another one that can be hard because we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the holiday season, when the days get shorter and colder, the sweet treats and comfort food are every where. Don't restrict yourself, definitely enjoy those things that make you happy, just be mindful of the amount of sugars and things like that because they can make it worse.

❄️ Check-in with yourself. Make time for yourself so you can be aware of any other changes. Schedules are changing, lots of things are going on and it can bring stress. Hold space for you to just breathe and answer the question "how am I?"

❄️ Lastly, bust out all the happy oils. Make your roller recipes and get them in your diffusers as often as you can. Citrus oils are my go-to oils when I need a boost. Molecules in oils are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and impact areas of our brain that control feelings of anxiety and depression. Each citrus oils has its own mood related benefits a couple of my faves are Orange and Bergamot.

Here are a few recipes to try, they are perfect for roller recipes or your diffuser:

Orange + Peppermint
Bergamot + Frankincense + Lime
Lemon + Rosemary + Peppermint

Winter doesn't have to bring you down, it can be just as fun as the warmers we just have to be a little more intentional about taking care of our internal balance.

Stay healthy sis
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The Choice is Yours, They Don't Have to Collect Dust!

The Choice is Yours, They Don't Have to Collect Dust!
One of the reasons, I hear most, that people are hesitant to start using oils is because they think they won't get used.

First off that's a choice that you have to make, to use them. There is a reason you want them as a tool for your wellness and you have to choose everyday that you want to use the tools you have at your disposal to elevate your wellness.
It's just like the choice to brush your teeth or put on deodorant. You don't question whether buying either of those will be a waste because you make the choice to use them every day to keep things fresh. Same goes for oils.

But I know some of you are still like show me, so here goes a quick way you can use oils in your already put together daily routines.

When you are getting in a workout or saying your morning affirmations use Frankincense. This is my fave for bringing peace to my body and perfect for spirituality. You can apply Frankincense to your neck and wrists while you are getting in your affirmations, practicing yoga, meditating, or even when you are heading out for a walk. During ancient times Frankincense was more valuable than gold and let me tell you it's one you'll put at high value once you get it into your daily routine.

When you are in a creative space get Joy in your diffuser. I find that when I'm feeling good, happy the creative juices flow. Joy is perfect for when you are working, journaling, or for when you just fill blocked. It is an oil that has a magnetic energy that brings joy to your mind, heart, and soul. The properties of this oil can be a tool to help you overcome even the deepest-seated emotions that are blocking you.

And lastly, when you are winding down from your day grab Lavender -- it's relaxations best friend. There are so many ways to use Lavender but in this sense grab your diffuser and fill it with Lavender for when you are taking a bath, taking a nap, reading or even when you are doing breathing techniques to come down from your day. If you want to really ramp up the relaxation effect, create your own bath salts using Lavender. It's super easy to do, you can even make it ahead of time and have it sitting on your bath waiting for you whenever you need it.

There you have it, boom. I just gave you ways to use 3 oils and it didn't require you to do anything extra or add anytime to your routine. I highly recommend that you leave these (or any oils you're using) out in the places you'll be using them. When they are sitting out, staring you in the face, you will use them. If you leave them hidden you won't. Simple as that

No matter you reason for getting started, you can do it in a way that feels right to you and honors your healing and growth. When you join the EssentOily Family community you'll have all the support you need, when you need it.

Grab what you need here and if you have any questions you can comment below or connect with me and we'll chat.
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