Tips for a Happy Tummy: Thanksgiving Edition

Tips for a Happy Tummy: Thanksgiving Edition
The time leading up to Thanksgiving has been filled with thoughts of family, friends, food, food, and more delicious food. You've been perfecting that family recipe and coming up with new ones to become part of this yearly tradition. So much to be thankful for and so much more to look forward to.

There is something that we tend to not think about, until after the holiday season, and that's our tummy (gut) health. You're going to be filling it with all kinds of yummy things but you've gotta keep it happy and healthy at the same time.

Healing my gut has been a journey and during this time it can be easy to get off track and allow sickness to creep up. I don't want that for me and I don't want that for you either, sos here's my go-to gut health products to keep your tummy happy.

Save this so you can be prepared for Thanksgiving as well as the rest of the holiday season and beyond.

  • Start your day with EssentialZymes. Enzymes are so helpful in breaking down and digesting food, so they're a great place to start your Thanksgiving Day. Add a few drops of Lemon Vitality to a glass of water, the one you drink to take your EssentialZymes with would be perfect. Lemon is a gentle cleanser, provides liver support, and tastes yummy!
  • NingXia Red is going to become your new best friend once you get started using it. 2oz is all you need a day to help support so many aspects of your health. For the holidays it's going to be a game changer because NingXia contains ingredients that can help keep your blood sugar naturally balanced & help provide sustained energy. You could even swap your water out for NingXia and add your Lemon Vitality drops to it to take your EssentialZymes. 
  • Rub some Peppermint or Digize on your tummy. Both of these oils are great for aiding in digestion and to help with that stuffiness you may be feeling.
  • Take EssentialZymes-4. These are different than the enzymes we started the day with, and they're great to take after a big meal. they can help your body adjust to eating things you might not be used to eating all the time, and help you absorb what's nutritious and get rid of the rest.
  • Make sure to get in a good probiotic. I love Life 9. Probiotics are full of "good guys" that go into your gut, fight off the bad guys, and repopulate the area with health.
  • Pop a few DetoxZyme to get in even more enzymes. I wasn't kidding when I said you needed these for good gut health. they'll help your body detox from the excess goodies you may have enjoyed and help you recover.
  • Lastly, take a Cortistop. Cortistop helps to balance cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as the "death hormone" that is released when we are under stress. The holiday season can be stressful and taking care of you is going to be important to make sure you are able to show up exactly how you want to the entire season. Having this stress-reducing supplement in your arsenal will help you do just that.

Stressing can cause it's own issues in our guts, having the tools to help manage it is crucial. Grab my free 10 Self-Care Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress to help you create easy ways for you to enjoy the season without the hard emotions and stress that may come along with it.

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