Hey Girl, Hey!!!

I know you may have been wondering where I went, cause it's definitely been a minute since I've shown up in the blog space. Truth is I just wasn't ready when I started back then. I didn't think that I had anything to offer and I was just starting out on a journey that ended up turning into some major life changes. With all that happening I had the chance, well I was forced lol, to sit down and find out who I was again - what made me, me. It's been amazing and I'm so excited to touch back with you guys and share all the things that are going on.

If you're new around these parts that was all left field so I'm going to back track.

Hey, Hey. I'm Tameka, eventually you'll probably start calling me Meka and that's when we know we are tight, and I want to welcome you to this space where I will literally be talking about all the things. Motherhood, wifehood, my wellness journey, heavy stuff, funny and crazy stuff. Everything that happens around here that you would consider life, we gone talk about it.

I know you want to know a little about me, I got you. I'm first and foremost a woman that's carving out her place in this life her way. It took a long time to get here but that's okay, I'm here now. I've been married for almost 14 years and we have two boys that keep us busy beyond words. I know every mama says that but y'all, I'm so serious! We are also a military family that has recently come back to the states, Tampa, Florida, after being overseas for 7 years. Crazy thing, I've been apart of the Air Force my entire life. Born and raised, now married!

During those 7 years overseas, while we were in England, I found myself not really feeling like me. I was tired, angry, stressed just broke down. I didn't know what was going on and everyone, doc's, included were saying I was fine. I was going on almost 2 years of just making it before another mom I worked with on the PTO invited me to an oil party, for a whole other reason, that's when finally things would start to change. I won't go in to deep today.

That beginning of finding my way back to myself is how my little space on the web became to be. It's evolved over the years, because I have and I've become more comfortable with my story. Everything that you find here and over on my instagram page is simply that, my story and the hopes is that if you're a mama like me who has struggled in the same way I have, you take away something helpful.

But you can just come here for the laughs too or to learn more about how we use oils every single day. It's all on you, but whatever the reason know that it is a safe space and I've got your back!

Now it's your turn. Say hey in the comments and tell me about you.

I'd also love to engage with you on the socials. Come on over to instagram and say hey too, this is me.

Thank you for kicking it with me!
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