Mama's Bath Time Remedy
I don't know about you mama, but when either of my boys are under the weather I'm looking for everything and anything to help them feel better. They may drive us crazy, lol, but when they have that helpless look -- I'd give anything to have the crazy back.

We are truly blessed when it comes to our health, I'm very much so about being proactive instead of reactive. We do a lot to make sure that we feed our bodies what it needs to run and fight in tip top shape. Hey, we're human though and sometimes we get taken down and we have to help our bodies by giving it a little more while it's fighting the good fight.

I have my go-to's that I reach for when any of us our out of sorts but recently I had to bring it because Kee had a cough and mucus that was lingering and refused to be evicted by my usual weapons. Like most kids, heck my almost 17yr old still does this, Kee was swallowing all the snot instead of blowing it out and mama we know that does nothing good. So, when it carried on far longer than I'd like for it to I went in search of a recipe that I could use in the bath for him. I ended up finding not only a recipe that reminded me why I'll never be without oils again but I also ran across an oil that I'd had for a while and never used -- as you probably guessed it ended up coming in clutch.

I'm dubbing this the Get Well, Kid bath salts detox and here's what you need:
These 5 oils worked so good together because of their amazing benefits.
Ravintsara is from Madagascar and referred to as "the oil that heals". This is a really good oil for working with your respiratory system, opening things up and allowing for those deep breaths. It's also known for being clarifying as well as purifying, all things that we needed.
Frankincense is truly a king of kings when it comes to oils. I could talk about this oil for literally days but for the purpose of this detox I specifically wanting its help with immune system.
Idaho Blue Spruce is a must have in my house not only for making the house smell like a fresh tree farm but also, you want all the tree oils when you're under the weather. Idaho Blue Spruce has been used by Native Americans for lots of things but what I added it in this detox for was Kee's throat. It's known as a relaxant and so, along with it's other benefits, I wanted to see how well it could help with his coughing.
Eucalyptus Radiata like all other eucalyptus oils, is a fave because of that "aaahhh" feeling you get when you smell it and Eucalyptus Radiata is always my choice when it comes to the kids because it's on the milder side. I wanted to help Kee kick out the mucus and this was the perfect oil for that.
Wintergreen is very stimulating and since, as you can tell from the other oils, I was looking to help Kee get out the mucus Wintergreen was a no brainer. Plus, I always love it for a post-workout massage and he was feeling a little achy.

Those oils ended up being so huge for him!

Epsom salt and baking soda are always my go-to's for detox baths because, well you know how well epsom salt works for pulling out toxins from the body so it's a must but the added benefit of baking soda always takes it to another level for me. Baking soda has cleansing and detoxifying properties that may help to purify your body and boost immunity and when you're trying to get rid of unwanted intruders this is always what you're looking for, lol. Now you want it to be aluminum free because you don't want to be introducing heavy metals to your body, the idea is pulling toxins out not putting them in. So always, always grab the aluminum free kind.

Now, once you've gotten all of your ingredients together you can add them to your jar and allow them to sit as long as you possibly can. I recommend overnight, so that the oils can combined together and be linked and ready for action. But if you need to use it right away, give it a few minutes, and you'll be good to go and will still get great action from the detox salts.

I've been using oils for a while so and Kee's been using them since before he could walk so I eyeball a lot but here are the measurements if you're just starting out or like a roadmap.
  • 15 drops Ravintsara
  • 6 drops Frankincense
  • 6 drops blue Spruce
  • 2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
  • 1 drop Wintergreen
  • 1/4 cup Epsom & Baking soda
You can go more or less, you know your babies so use your judgement. But remember that more is less when you are using pure essential oils!

Once I'd gotten it all in the jar I gave it a shake and let it sit for a few hours (we needed it like RIGHT now) and then ran a bath. Get the water as warm as your little one can stand it and then add the detox salts. I always have Kee do his soaks for 10-15 minutes. By minute 5 he was already feeling so much better. After the right amount of time for your little make sure to rinse them off with cold water. This will help close up those pores and while it isn't always the fun part is important.

And that's it!

12 minutes of soaking and I started seeing my normal Kam Bam and my mama defenses went down 10 fold. We have the tools to be proactive as well as the tools to give our body a boost when they need it.

*I'm not a doctor, I'm not treating or diagnosing, I'm just a mama sharing what worked so other mama's can have that peace of mind too*
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